Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco de Mayo - Siestas, Zumba, Modelo

Adulting is difficult. It's funny - none of us wanted to stay kids... it was all about "I can't wait until I'm older so I can____". Of course there's Peter Pan who never wanted to grow up, but let's be honest, most of us thought he was weird. Now, as an "adult", I think he had the right idea. Being an adult is hard. My biggest question: why did we give up on naps as adults? It's as if society now tells us that if we nap during the day we are "lazy" and "unproductive". Dude. Naps rock. I always feel pretty good after a nap - and more often than not I feel MORE productive. So why'd we give them up? Being that it's Cinco de Mayo, I gave this a little bit more thought today... especially after my big lunch. The Spanish had the right idea. 

Siestas. I want them back.

I read this today:

"A siesta is a conscious effort to take a break, to stop and reflect, and to take time for yourself. In places where siestas are common, you might find that churches, shops, or even public buildings are closed during the siesta hours. Siesta is for resting, be it physically, mentally, or otherwise.
But the honored place of the siesta is far from secure. Spain recently ratified new laws that allowed stores to stay open twenty-five percent longer each week. The implication is that stores would then stay open for the mid-day period usually allotted to siestas. The move was in an effort to fight effects of the ongoing financial downturn by creating more commerce – at the expense of naps."
Granted, that same article went on to say that long siestas contribute more to the sedentary lifestyle which is not something I honestly want to do. In the same vein of Cinco de Mayo thoughts, I've begun Zumba with a new teacher on Wednesday nights, and honestly I cannot wait to go to her class tomorrow. A lot of her dances are similar to those that I did back in Orlando, five of them are essentially exact, so it's awesome to be ahead of the crowd, know the dance moves, and get to stepping! I get a fantastic workout from it. 
Tonight we are staying in - something I haven't done much on Cinco de Mayo, but since we are adults without siestas... we are tired. My OFM did pick up some Modelo though, and I have a few limes, so along with some turkey burgers and some chips and salsa... we'll have a little mini celebration. I wonder if I can get him to play Scattergories with me since it's a holiday...

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